Wednesday, June 16, 2010

And Saturn Returns...

It's about 1:30 in the morning, and I'm sitting here.. awake, contemplating my current life crisis. OK, so it's not REALLY a crisis per say, just a new.. era, which I don't think I'm ready for (not that I have a choice). I'm talking about my damn 30th birthday. On May 24th, I turned (gasp!) 30. So, I figured what better time to start this blog I've been meaning to begin... I mean I'm not getting any younger here!

So, nothing drastic happened on the dawn of my 30th birthday. Any person looking at me with the naked eye would probably say I haven't changed very much at all. Well, that's downright bullshit, 'cause Saturn has seriously turned my world upside down.

I guess I've always been a believer in all that occult stuff...crazy explanations for everything going on in my life. Look, don't start judging me. If you grew up the way I did, in a world surrounded by a weird combo of Catholicism, Santeria and Voodoo.. you wouldn't know what to believe either! There was an explanation for everything, even my sheer clumsiness. If I dropped a glass on the floor, a book, a plate of food? My mother would gasp, cross her arms, nod at me disapprovingly and inform me of what was in store for me. Everything was a damn omen. Itchy palm? Money was coming. But only if it was the right one. If it was the left, well too bad for you, because you were about to go broke. This one could have just been a Dominican thing though, since I think every first-generation-American-born Dominican child heard this one growing up and gave their mom the same bewildered look I gave mine. My family took it to another level though. If I tripped over my mammoth, size 10 feet and fell flat on my face, there was no doubt about it. Someone had placed an evil spell on me which had to be undone ASAP.. of course. So that is where I place all the blame for my teenage fascination/borderline obsession with astrology, witchcraft, divination etc. But I have now gone off on a tangent and can't even remember my original point (see? that's an effect of my rapid aging. ok, I'm lying. Been having that issue my entire life).

My original point... is that I believe this "Return of Saturn" phenomenon. Yes, I believe that a planet is to blame for all the craziness in my life at the moment. If you're not familiar with this "theory," google it. The bottom line is that the planet Saturn takes approximately 29.5 years to return to the place in the sky it was on the day you were born, give or take. Upon it making it's grand return, it's supposed to have this powerful effect on your life. All these changes are said to present themselves and you are forced to look at your life and make life changing decisions.Relationships are tested. Some people supposedly change careers, get married/divorced etc. And some unfortunate folk feel so lost and full of confusion and despair that they just lose their damn minds. Am I one of these people? Maybe.

In the past few years approaching this dreaded birthday, I've come to many realizations and have made some pretty big changes. About 2 years ago, I finally figured out what I wanted to do with my life career-wise and went back to school to become a school teacher. I'm a gemini, so I've wanted to be everything from a veterinarian to an FBI agent. Every year brought a new obsession, which would explain the loads of evidence of such unfinished endeavors. Ballet shoes, gymnastics leotards, a piano, an entire collection of Native American books and anthropology magazines, videos on training dolphins... the list goes on. My last stint in college left me as a Fine Arts major (hey at least art has always been a constant in my life) and more credits being lost due to me dropping out once again. So it was definitely a big deal to make a decision like "I'm Going to be a teacher!" and stick with it long enough to finish the degree (so what if it's just an Associates!).

Along with the career thing, I also took a big step in the relationship department. After 3 years in a semi-long distance relationship (New York/Boston), I decided to pack up my life and move here.. to Boston, to be with the woman I love. This came about right after our relationship was significantly "tested" (see? Saturn I tell you) and well.. here we are. Two girls in love.. both navigating our Saturn's Return. As if turning 30 isn't stressful enough on its own, we decided to throw in buying a new house and cohabitation. This should be interesting. Did I mention we're both geminis? Yea, I doubt I'll be lacking material for this blog. We both are obsessed with food. Cooking it, eating it and.. um ..playing with it. So you will be a witness to our many attempts at fine cuisine (or just plain ole weird food experiments), making our house a home on a very limited budget, our life with 2 crazy dogs and 2 cats, the roller coaster ride we are both on as we try to make a life together, and of course my incessant whining about living in Boston and leaving my beloved New York City behind.

So welcome to our little world. Enjoy your visit. Be advised though... we're all mad here :-)


- D. 


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