On top of this little newly adopted feline family, we also still have our permanent animal family: The blind-don't-talk-to-me-or-I'll-take-your-leg-off-and-still-look-cute-doing-it dog:
The I-will-eat-anything-and-everything dog:
The I-will-sit-on-anything-and-purr-24-hours-a-day cat:
and last but not least, the try-to-climb-these-stairs-and-I-will-cut-you cat:
To add insult to injury, they all hate each other. The majority of the time, it feels like a mad house. They also all seem to develop these weird, bad habits...at different times. So, just when you think you've solved one behavior... another one begins. I could probably write an entire blog just about their odd behavior, but I won't. So, I-will-eat-anything-and-everything dog has decided that from now on, she's going to eat the windows and doors. This includes anything around the windows and doors, such as, but not limited to: curtains, blinds, doorjambs, doorknobs, etc. Not only does she have separation anxiety and chews on doors in an attempt to get to us, but she also flips out if she sees other dogs outside. Hence, causing her tear up the windows. We tried to solve this problem by putting decorative window film up. Let's the light in but keeps her from seeing outside. This worked for a while. Until she figured out how to peel it off. It's as if, upon her discovery, she decided to throw herself a celebratory party and proceeded to tornado her way around the living room and dining room. Everyday. For the past two weeks.
just a little sample of some of her work...
This is her "guilty" pose. She does this when she knows you're mad... I don't understand.
N. usually gets home before I do. I have the pleasure of not only coming home to a mess, but also to a very pissed off girlfriend. I guess as I'm writing this, I'm starting to understand that look she gives me when I try to convince her to let me raise chickens in the backyard. Note to self: Don't mention the chickens for a little while.
So yea... getting home past 6 everyday, then spending about an hour or two cleaning broken crap, dinner, etc. hasn't left much time for blogging. There's the weekend, but we kinda filled these past two up with apple/pumpkin picking, pumpkin carving, visiting Occupy Boston, and visits to the free animal clinic with Charlie and her kitties. I think we should shorten the work week to four days a week. I'm going to make a sign and hold it up at the next Occupy Boston march. I'm just sayin'.
On another note, I actually got out of bed at 8AM this morning.. on a Sunday. For no reason. So I did some yoga. It's been a long time, and it felt awesome. I keep telling myself I'm going to get up earlier and do it every morning. But, that alarm goes off at 5AM and I can't get up! I'm really going to try though. I'm starting to feel very high strung and anxious. I need to....chill. I think I'm going to give myself a spa day. A ghetto spa day of course, because I'm broke. I'm thinking, yummy light food, tea, yoga, incense, DIY mani/pedi, bubble bath, no computer/phone/etc. Sigh...
Namaste bitches.
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